terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

Conference Mapping Culture: Communities, Sites and Stories

"This event is intended to explore both conventional and alternative approaches to mapping cultures and communities in an international context.
Presenters will discuss and illustrate innovative ways to encourage artistic intervention and public participation in cultural mapping.
They will also address the challenges posed by such artistic practices and community involvement in various phases of the research process, from gathering and interpreting data to modes of presenting ‘findings’ to interest groups from different sectors – the local public as well as specialists in the arts, research, public administration and planning.
Two key dimensions of current research with implications for artistic, architectural and planning practices and practitioners are:
(a) the participatory and community engagement aspect, especially in the context of accessible mobile digital technologies
(b) mapping the intangibilities of a place (e.g., stories, histories, etc.) that provide a “sense of place” and identity to specific locales, and the ways in which those meanings and values may be grounded in embodied experiences.
These two aspects will be highlighted in the conference presentations and symposium workshops, bridging interests of both researchers and practitioners."

Submission Deadline – using online submission formFebruary 14, 2014
Registration formFebruary 1, 2014
Selection decisions communicated to authorsMarch 1, 2014
Completed Papers Deadline – email to: MappingCulture(at)ces.uc.ptMay 15, 2014
Conference Presentation in CoimbraMay 28-30, 2014 


terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2014

Doutoramento Arqueologia na UÉ

A Universidade de Évora atribuiu mais um título de Doutor, na área da Arqueologia, a Gertrudes Branco.
Desejamos à nova doutora que defendeu, com a excelência que lhe é conhecida, estas provas, as maiores felicidades.

Congresso da UISPP

Apesar de inicialmente estar prevista a sua realização na Austrália, o 18º Congresso da UISPP acabou por ser transferido para França (Paris)...